Friday, March 27, 2009

The Problem with Blogs

OK, I have come to the very harsh realization that blogs need to somehow be regulated. Not just any average Joe should be allowed to have one. Why do I say this? Well, to have a good blog (noun) you must actually blog (verb.) To be able to blog, you must have interesting and /or witty things to share.
See, there needs to be a blog licensing board that determines who does and does not have enough entertaining experiences to share with the masses. If that were the case I would have never been issued a blog license. This blog would have never come about. My sister who, by the way, does not have a blog, would stop harassing me on Facebook to update the damn thing. And I think the world, in general, would be a much happier place!


Julie Southern (Studio Sherwood) said...

ROFL! Whiner ;)

Kate-uhh said...


Anonymous said...

After a month that is the most interesting thing you could come up wiht LOL just kidding.

Unknown said...

You don't have to be witty! It's just nice to catch up with you now and then. :)

MamaB said...

(snicker) And the blogless among us thank you for updating!